Sunday, July 6, 2008

Independence Day

It's been a while since I've updated so i thought I'ld share our 4th with you. I always get a little emotional when I stop and think about how lucky I am to live here in America. When I think about how much I take for granted and how so many people have given their lives for our freedom, it's very humbling. I know our country isn't perfect, but there's no place I would rather live. With that said... we started the day off at the neighborhood carnival where Izak played games until I wimped out from the heat and we went home for a nice cool nap. Later we headed down to Fountian Green, Utah where we met up with one of my best friends, Tiana ,and her husband Ammon from WA to party on down at their family barbeque. I think Izak found his first big crush and spent the entire day chasing Tiana's niece Megan around and jumping on the tramp. He jumped and jumped until the minute we left at 10PM. If only I had that kind of energy... We ate and talked and ate some more until it got dark. Brant played the worlds longest game of kroket and some serioius frisby while Izak went around chugging any open soda he could get his little hands on. We set off some fireworks while Izak threw a kazillion pop-its and enjoyed a nice summer night's breeze for a change. We had a great time and Tiana's in-laws were so gracious to let us join their family Celebration! Thanks for a great day guys!

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the murdocks said...

You haven't lived until you've lived in the great white north baby...sorry to burst your bubble! jokes. Love the pics! You're workin that camera girl!

The Platts said...

You guys look like you had a great time. Hopefully we'll see you soon. Hope all is well

lindsay Roscoe said...

Happy fourth to you guys sounds like a great time. I say there is nothing better then getting to see friends ecspecially best friends. The picture of Izak and the little girl on the tramp with the fireworks going off in front of them is a beautiful picture. We should try to hit Stellas on Thursday. We are going to Lagoon on Saturday with the big kids for Roscoes bday you and Brant should come.

Trevor & Kelly said...

I agree, can't wait to see you guys so our little people can play!

Renee' P said...

Cute pics. What camera did you buy? I just bought myself a new one a couple months ago?

Stephanie said...

I can't believe you guys were in fountain green on the 4th. I was 15 minutes away in mount pleasant at my moms house. I wish i would have known and I would have came to see you guys or something. I'm glad you had fun. I have been in utah a lot this summer because Ben is so busy studying to take the bar. Next time I come hopefully he can come with me and we will for sure come and see you guys.

whitney allison said...

Hi, I am betting that Brant's wife checks this and not Brant but I was just googling people from college out of boredom today and found your blog. Tell Brant that Whitney said hi.